Save The 5-Cent Fare!


New York: New York State Committee Communist Party, [ca. 1942]. Offset. Single sheet printed on recto only. 8 ½ x 11 in. 

“Q: Who wants a fare boost? A. Big real estate and the bankers. Q. Who’s opposed to a fare boost? A. You - and millions of other straphangers.” 

This handbill, produced by two communist City Councilmembers, urged readers to join in protest against the first fare increase in the history of New York City transit history, arguing that the changes would help real estate developers - not ordinary citizens. In 1947, the increase would be passed, doubling the cost to ten cents.

The struggle continues: in 2019, New York City saw major protests over proposed fare increases and increased police presence in the subway system. Within a span of days, police officers had chased and pulled their guns on a teenager for evading the fare, attacked and arrested another young teen, and evicted a street vendor from the system for selling churros. The resulting demonstrations were some of the most confrontational in the last few years, and in many ways tactically prepared both police and protesters for the uprising of 2020. Very good.

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